Check engine light

How to Take Care of Your Vehicle’s Engine?

The Importance of Engine Care: Ensuring Longevity and Performance

Your vehicle’s engine is the heart of its performance, and like any vital organ, it requires proper care and maintenance to ensure longevity and efficiency. Neglecting engine maintenance can lead to costly repairs and breakdowns. In this blog by our team at Victory Motors in Royal Oak, MI, we’ll explore some essential tips to help you take care of your vehicle’s engine, keeping it running smoothly mile after mile.

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1. Regular Oil Changes: Oil is the lifeblood of your engine, lubricating its moving parts and preventing wear and tear. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil change intervals and use the right type of oil for your vehicle.

2. Check and Replace Filters: Air and fuel filters play a crucial role in keeping your engine clean and free from contaminants. Check these filters regularly and replace them as needed to maintain optimal engine performance.

3. Keep an Eye on Fluid Levels: In addition to oil, your engine relies on other fluids such as coolant, brake fluid, and transmission fluid to function properly. Regularly check these fluid levels and top them up or replace them as necessary.

Technician repairing engine
Engine of a vehicle

4. Maintain Proper Cooling: Overheating can cause significant damage to your engine. Keep an eye on your vehicle’s temperature gauge and address any cooling system issues promptly. Ensure that the radiator and cooling system are clean and free from debris.

5. Drive Responsibly: Your driving habits can have a significant impact on your engine’s health. Avoid excessive speeding, sudden acceleration, and hard braking, as these behaviors can put unnecessary strain on your engine and reduce its lifespan.

6. Regular Maintenance Checks: Schedule routine inspections with a qualified mechanic to catch any potential issues early on. Addressing minor problems promptly can prevent them from turning into major headaches down the road.

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If you want to buy a used vehicle in Royal Oak, MI, you must visit us at Victory Motors. If you are looking for financing, you just need to fill out a few details, and we’ll let you know if you are eligible.